An Anatomical Chart of Love Pains

An Anatomical Chart of Love Pains

This unique exhibition project involves five artists invited to respond to a chapter in the book, The Museum of Innocence by Nobel Prize winner, Orhan Pamuk. Published in 2010, The Museum of Innocence is an elaborate tale of love, unrequited and otherwise, taking place in a politically shifting Istanbul of

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Untitled, Holloway Jail by Constance Gore-Booth (1868 - 1927)

Irish Women Artists of the Twentieth Century

The Model is delighted to present Irish Women Artists of the Twentieth Century. The Niland Collection holds a considerable amount of work by key Irish women artists and when looked at together, these works provide a comprehensive survey of the changing themes and practices of Irish female artists throughout the

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Sean Lynch: Church without a Steeple

Also as part of its 60th anniversary celebrations, the Arts Council is commissioning four contemporary artists to produce new work in response to the collection and the history of contemporary and modern Ireland that it reflects. In partnership with The Model, the Arts Council has commissioned Sean Lynch to develop

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The Model, Sligo.

The Celtic Twilight

This exhibition examines the tensions between the Celtic Revival of Irish arts and literature in the early twentieth century and the birth of the Modernist movement in Ireland. Due to its fractured history, the relationship between the archaic and the modern in Ireland has been particularly antagonistic. This show explores

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Seamus Nolan Trades Club 1111

This exhibition celebrates Seamus Nolan’s art project The Trades Club Revival, which involved much support and collaboration between local, national and international artists, writers, musicians, poets, chess players, students, punks and the wider community. The project, commissioned by The Model in 2008, ran until 2011. The exhibition will feature documentation

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The Model, Sligo.

Sam Keogh & Lucy Andrews

Irish artist Sam Keogh, now based in London, focuses on mixing materials of varied colour, texture and value to produce strangely familiar yet numinous objects. Keogh is interested in how matter can contain power, or the various ways that an object can become important, valuable or auratic. Through a combination

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