Marie Brett & Kevin O’Shanahan; E.gress – a film exploring the twilight world of dementia

E.gress is a soulful and stirring film that maps a twilight world of loss and change, exploring how individuals diagnosed with dementia find new ways to adjust to a changing world. A multi-layered portrait of living moments on life’s edge, E.gress invites us to contemplate love, loss and life itself.

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The Model Drawing / Unforgettable Neighbourhoods

The Model Drawing / Unforgettable neighbourhoods, a solo exhibition by Dutch artist Bart Lodewijks (NL b. 1972) is the culmination of a three-year public drawing project in Sligo, commissioned by The Model. In Sligo, the artist chose to work in the neighbourhood of Doorly Park, Riverside and Garavogue Villas, where

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Sean Lynch; Adventure: Capital

The Model presents the national tour of the Irish Pavilion from the 56th Venice Biennale, Adventure: Capital by artist Sean Lynch. Visited by over 400,000 people during the world’s most prestigious visual arts exhibition, Adventure: Capital is now undertaking an Irish Tour to Limerick, Sligo, Dublin and Belfast. Combining sculptural,

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Yeats and the West; An Exhibition of Western Worlds

This exhibition comes to The Model from NUI Galway, and explores Yeats’s life, work, and legacy through his connections to the west. Rare artworks, books, manuscripts and exclusive images, photographs and film feature in an exhibition that reveals the impact of western heritage on W.B. Yeats and the wider Yeats

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Fanned Apart - Female Portraits From The Niland Collection

Fanned Apart; Female Portraits from The Niland Collection

This special exhibition curated on the occasion of the centenary of the 1916 Rising allows a glimpse into women’s lives in the twentieth century. The fifteen selected oil paintings by artists such as Estella Solomons, Barbara Warren, George Russell and Jack B. Yeats portray women in Ireland from different perspectives and

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Alexandra Hopf: ‘Sphinx’, 2016, neon tubes, 80×36 cm // Photo by Stephanie Kloss

Alexandra Hopf: The Night

Alexandra Hopf is a Berlin based artist working across video, painting and sculpture, with a research interest in individual memory, psychoanalysis, and the construction of art history. By revisiting the oeuvre of renowned artists of the Surrealist, Constructivist or Minimalist avantgardes, and underlining the prevalence of male figures in art

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