We Are Here

We Are Here Young Model with artist Bryan Gerard Duffy Tue. 12 Dec. 2023 – Sat. 2 Mar. 2024 Launch Sun. 10 Dec. 3pm As part of The Sunset Belongs To You project, Young Model presents We Are Here – an exhibition of their work completed in workshops led by artist Bryan Gerard Duffy. Participants explore the essence

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Portraits from The Niland Collection

Portraits from The Niland Collection Tue. 12 Dec. – Sat. 2 Mar. 2024 On the occasion of The Model’s major portrait project, The Sunset Belongs to You, we are delighted to present an exhibition of portraits drawn from The Niland Collection. Portraiture is humanity’s most enduring artform, with roots that

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The Sunset Belongs to You

Mick O'Dea + Geraldine O'Neill; The Sunset Belongs to You Sun. 10 Dec. 2023 – Sat. 2 Mar. 2024 The Model is proud to unveil a newly commissioned series of portraits of 18 Sligo children by distinguished painters Mick O’Dea + Geraldine O’Neill. The portraits capture young people from diverse

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Assembled Memories

Jack Butler Yeats; Assembled Memories Thu. 28 Sep. – Wed. 29 Nov. 2023   “No one creates. The artist assembles memories.” Jack Butler Yeats Jack Butler Yeats (1871-1957) is one of Ireland’s most acclaimed 20th century artists. The Niland Collection, housed at The Model, comprises a large holding of his

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Emma Talbot; The Age / L’Età

Emma Talbot; The Age / L'Età Fri. 22 Sep. – Sat. 2 Dec. 2023 Opening Friday 22 Sep. 6pm with an artist’s led tour of the exhibition. The Model is delighted to present Emma Talbot’s The Age / L’Età. Talbot, who was born in Stourbridge, UK in 1969, won the

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Her Back to the World

Her Back to the World Sat. 5 Aug. 2023 – Sat. 10 Feb. 2024 Taking inspiration from a quote by the great 20th century painter, Agnes Martin, this exhibition brings together a survey of the changing themes and interests of Irish women artists over 100 years, as reflected in The

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