Art & Seaweed Foraging Workshop | with Samuel Arnold Keane

Wed. 12 Mar. 2025, 10am – 3pm
Thu. 13 Mar. 2025, 11am – 4pm

Fri. 14 Mar. 12 – 3pm
Fully Booked

You are invited on a coastal walk at Streedagh Beach to forage seaweeds, while learning traditional uses and stories, alongside re-imagined ones. Working with the landscape, notably the tidal zone, the artist shares a momentary gift offered by the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Tracing our ancestral steps, various seaweeds will be collected to create ink from the rich colours and pigments drawn out of the kelps. A collaborative artwork will be created, a sort of map to help us recover and remember our ancient link to foraging the coastline.

Aged 18+

Book Now


Public Presentation |  Sat. 15 Mar. 2025, 2 – 4pm

Samuel Arnold Keane is a forager, illustrator and performer who merges various artforms to tell the stories of the seaweeds he gathers, and the coastal landscape. At the essence of his creative practice is a passion for the natural world, which he shares through image, performance, song and word.

About the Education Residency programme

The exhibition by Christine Mackey; Seeking to walk beautifully on the earth will be augmented by a unique creative engagement programme, situating a different artist each week in a dedicated gallery space. They will set up a working studio and lead a series of ecological-based workshops for different groups. All workshops are free of charge and are open to children, artists, students, communities of interest and the general public.

Read more about the exhibition here.

