The View from Your Window

Barrie Cooke was an English artist who travelled the world and finally settled in Ireland. He would explore the landscape day after day painting what he saw.

Below you can see one of his paintings of Knocknarea mountain, near Strandhill, Co. Sligo. Do you think he could see the mountain from his house in South Sligo?

Can you see a mountain from your house?

Barrie Cooke, Knocknarea, 2001

Barrie Cooke, Knocknarea, 2001


You are going to draw and paint the view from your window. This view is special because only you can see it. The view from every window is different.

What can you see outside your window? Can you see a mountain, a beach or your back garden?

Look closely at the colours you can see and using pencils, paints or crayons draw the view.

Once you have finished your drawing hang it up on the wall beside the window. Then come back to it later in the day and see if the view has changed. Maybe the colour of the sky is different? Where is the sun? If you are by the beach, has the tide come in? Is there wind and what does it look like?

Make another drawing showing all the changes you have noticed. If you like, you can create a collection of your very own View From Your Window drawings by doing this every day.

Ask a parent or guardian to take a picture of your work and share it with us.
Don’t forget to sign it with your name and age.

We will post your artwork on our website and Instagram account

@modelsligo / #themodelinsideout

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