The Model is thrilled to present a major solo exhibition of Dublin-based artist Mark Clare. The exhibition, I Believe in You, offers new insights into the work of Clare, who, in his role as a creative public agent, seeks to engage with and highlight unresolved incongruities within our societies, placing scrutiny on the combative issues of globalisation, individualism and public space. The exhibition takes its title from one of three key works created specifically for the exhibition. The large-scale installation I Believe in You is designed to follow the vastness of an exhibition space which will float (and de-inflate) in The Model’s atrium. The work explores the idea of society’s disaffection with political engagement and our complex relationship with public institutions.
“What has always interested me about Clare and his work has been his role as a type of social voyeur, a creative agitator, and one who engages with ideas about the contemporary. What underscores Clare’s work is the idea of an individual’s role within the contemporary world—from physical interventions and relationships to socio-political subversions of concepts and issues like the environment, the economy, and the housing crisis. Acting as a type of dissident, Clare intentionally subverts these notions with visual dexterity, humour, and poignant jabs”, Johnston adds.
Want to see what a creative dissident looks like? Visit The Model between 24 January and 22 March. The show comes directly from the Crawford Gallery in Cork.