Prisoners of The Moon

Prisoners of The Moon (Film Still)

Director: Johnny Gogan
Cast: Jim Norton, Cathy Belton, Alan Devine, Marty Rea, Matt Addis, Ciaran McCauley, Donal O’Kelly, Siobhan Dooney, Paul Gavin
Ireland, 2019, 75 mins

Arthur Rudolph was a much-honoured lynch-pin of NASA’s space programme -until he was stripped of his US citizenship and deported back to his native Germany in secret in 1984. With dramatised trial scenes filmed in Sligo’s Hazelwood Distillery, Johnny Gogan’s drama documentary tells the hidden story behind the first moon landing.


All screenings commence at 8pm, unless otherwise stated.
Attendance at a single screening: Adult €8 or Concession €6 on the door.

