Late Nights at The Model presents Toast

Sat. 16 Mar. 10pm – 2am
Ticket €10

We are thrilled to have Toast back for another epic late night at The Model this St. Patrick's weekend. Time to shed your skin, show your true colours and get on the floor for some stomping electronic tunes served up by your resident Toast DJs and guest Colm Condron. Expect a wide range of contemporary and off kilter electronic music including techno, house, hard groove, bass, breakbeat and more. 

We'll be joined once more by filmmaker Peter Martin who will bring his stunning visuals to the party, enhancing the overall vibe and ambience of a very cool night out.

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Sponsors & Partners

Commissioned by The Model with funding by the Arts Council and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Night Time Economy programme.

                Sligo County Council

