Bertrand/Amoyel Duo: Emmanuelle Betrand – cello, Pascal Amoyel – piano
Includes Fauré, Saint-Saëns, Brahms and a new commission by an Irish composer
Emmanuelle Bertrand and Pascal Amoyel are a formidable musical duo garnering plaudits from critics and audiences the world over for their stunning performances and recordings. Celebrated French cellist, Emmanuelle Bertrand, is a winner of a prestigious Victoire de la Musique Classique (French Grammys), and has a stellar reputation on the international stage. She is considered one of the leading representatives of French cello today. Emmanuelle Bertrand and Pascal Amoyel have performed together for many year’s receiving widespread acclaim from critics and audiences alike. The duo’s latest CD, featuring music by Saint-Saëns, including a previously unreleased Sonata for cello and piano, will be released on the Harmonia Mundi label in Spring 2017.
“Emmanuelle Bertrand makes stunning sounds on her cello – now breathy and exquisite, now deep and spicy.” – The Guardian
“Together they make eloquent magic.” – San Francisco Chronicle
The recital will be followed by a Meet the Artist reception. All welcome.